Home Products BEZOAR
A Unique, therapeutic natural product: Bezoar; A Unique, Rational Business of Natural products: Puri Brothers. 🙂 Amazing combo:)

Product Overview

Formed as a leftover product in the cow/ox’s digestive tract, Bezoar is one of the most medicinal and uniquely occurring products of the animal kingdom which can be extracted without harming them. Puri Brothers keeping up their years old legacy of dealing in alike products, brings to your business the most genuine forms of bezoar after complete in-house audit for quality, genuinity and properties check conducted by a team of experts. However, being a very costly product if you as a customer business partner wish for 3rd party laboratory test reports testing for the bilirubin content, we will recommend you to get the testing done as being a business we care for your profits and your cost optimisation too. Bezoar were for a long time mentioned in ancient medicine texts be it chinese or others and were claimed to neutralise any type of poison and in fact the very name of bezoar means ‘Antidote’ in persian.
As of the contemporary medicinal uses of Genuine Puri Brothers’ Bezoar, they are:
Clears the heart
Detoxifies Liver
Cure for hepatitis
Rejuvenates the spirit
Removes Phlegm
To treat cough
Cure for gall bladder obstructions
Antidote to poison
Puri Brothers Offer Bezoar in two basic forms: Stone Bezoar(whole pieces) and Bezoar Powder (small pieces).
  • Stone Bezoar
  • Bezoar Powder

They are yellowish golden in colour, have a stone like shape and their texture is smooth, sometimes lustrous depending upon the quality. These are direct secretions from the gallbladder of cow/ox. After being directly extracted from cattle’s intestines they’re washed with cold water to remove impurities such as blood clots and are then dried to preserve them. At Puri Brothers We have a year round and constant supply of Whole Cow Bezoar, the purest and the most sought after form.

This is the powdered form of Gallstone and is of yellowish golden in colour, though the colour varies according to the quality of gallstone utilised. This form is readily usable and is lower priced compared to the whole stones. Puri Brothers maintain a regular monitor on the process to check for even the slightest contaminants or adulterants so that at no cost the quality should suffer.

 With such beneficial products always comes the vice intent of impurity  and many businesses are reported to procure this naturally occurring product in an artificial way, which nullifies the medicinal properties and contaminates the final product and thus profiteering from the innocence of customers. While condemning such acts, Puri brothers take the lead in providing the clients with full required transparency in such operations, guaranteeing the quality and not compromising on the ethics just for sake of  profits driven due to cheap prices. Our such Business ethics and morals have formulated never ending bonds with our customers and made the phrase ‘Once a customer always a customer’ a success for us.

Being a Business ourselves we appreciate your curiosity and care for your time and profits so we feel immense pleasure in offering you the free of cost expert consultation. 

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